Best Viewed With

This latest Microprocessor
controlled module with Unique,
eye-catching flash pattern. Flashing to steady mode then
to flashing again. Even when you are at a stop light
Look at the latest
design for visual aid alerts.
“Anything we can
do to raise visibility of a motorcycle is good."
“One fatality is one too many, and
we urge riders to take vital safety precautions. We also
ask that all roadway users expect to see motorcyclists,
on the road and respect their right to be there,” said
Motorcycle Safety Foundation. (MSF) President Tim Buche.
motorist awareness of motorcycles even at stop lights
should be of paramount importance.

You know the helmet
also made Sense.

Blinking Smart Stop Brake Light Flashers require wire
splicing to install, and can be wired with any
motorcycle, and are generally less expensive than
plug-in brake light flashers. Smart Stop works with
LED lights and standard incandescent bulbs.
for an Auto flashing brake lights system
When you ride your Motorcycle do
ever wonder if the person behind you is paying
attention to what you are doing?
Maybe they are on a cell phone
,eating a sandwich, having a drink or even putting
on make up.
As you can see below the problem with motorcycle brake lights, are
because they are low to the ground in comparison to the
third brake light on cars and trucks, so it is
important to ensure people
(See Flash Sequences

Would you like motorist's to be more aware of
motorcycles? If the answer is yes then read on.
Q. When somebody comes up behind you whilst, your
riding if they saw flashing brake lights would it make a difference?.
Yes - Trials have proved that flashing brake lights
make a difference
(see data)
This is not a novelty
product it is an added safety device for you.